Experience Passes grant free admission to local-area museums and attractions. They are due back after 7 calendar days, and there is a 24-hour waiting period after returning a pass before the same one may be checked out again.
Passes may be placed on hold, just like other library materials. Click on the links below to check availability and place holds via the online catalog, or contact the library to inquire! Once your pass is ready for pickup, you will have 3 business days (Monday-Saturday) to pick it up before it moves to the next patron on the list.
Passes cannot be reserved for a particular date. They must be checked out on a regular, adult library card. (Welcome Cards – new cards issued in the last two months – may not be used.) One pass per household at a time.
Because of the nature of Experience Passes, and the anticipated demand, it’s important that they be returned on time. Patrons who return passes late may be restricted from using them in the future. Lost passes will result in a replacement fee being placed on the patron’s account. That charge will vary depending on the pass.
Pass covers 2 adults from the same household, plus all children or grandchildren under the age of 18. Botanica’s website.
Includes 6 all-access passes. Includes unlimited access on the day of your visit to the Hall of Space Museum and CosmoKids, one Carey Digital Dome Theater documentary, one show in the Justice Planetarium, one show in Dr. Goddard’s Lab, and one ride on the naviGATOR Flight Simulator. Cosmosphere’s website.
Exploration Place
Pass for up to 3 adults and all kids and grandkids of those adults that are under the age of 18. This pass covers free admission to Exploration Place’s exhibits, free tickets to Live Science Shows, and free tickets to Dome Shows. Exploration Place’s website.
Kauffman Museum
Free admission for up to four individuals. The Kauffman Museum’s website.
Museum of World Treasures
Free admission for up to 8 people (ages 3 years and under are always free). The Museum of World Treasures’ website.
Newton High School Family Activity Pass
Free admission for up to 2 adults and all kids under 18. Exceptions: KSHSAA regional and state events; pops and jazz concerts; dinner theater/drama productions; NHS invitational tournaments (volleyball, wrestling, girls basketball); and certain special events. Newton High School activity calendar.
Old Cowtown Museum
Bring this pass to the Visitor’s Center to receive free admission for two adults and up to four children (under 18 years old). Cowtown’s website.
Sedgwick County Zoo
This Community Membership pass covers Zoo admission for a maximum of six people per day. The six people can be any combination of adults and children. The Sedgwick County Zoo’s website.
Wichita Art Museum
This special golden ticket is good for a free family visit to the Wichita Art Museum. Bring the pass to the Welcome Desk for free admission to temporary, special exhibitions. General admission to the museum is always free. Wichita Art Museum’s website.
The sites and the Library may change the terms and conditions of the passes at any time.