Families: Get help with Medicaid enrollment at the library

Starting Friday, Sept. 17, and continuing on the first and third Fridays of each month, GraceMed community outreach representative Mayra Mauricio-Rosales will be at Newton Public Library from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to provide Medicaid/KanCare enrollment assistance to families with children.

“We will help and support families with the application process, from the start until a determination is made,” Mauricio-Rosales said. “This includes new applications and yearly reviews. We will offer guidance and ensure a clear process through it all.”

The assistance is being provided through the Healthy Kansas Kids program and is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For more information on the program, go to www.healthykansaskids.org.

“We want to make sure all uninsured kids under age 19, caretakers, and pregnant women have access to medical assistance and know about KanCare,” Mauricio-Rosales said. “This is especially relevant with COVID-19 affecting everyone now.”

The assistance is free, and is offered in both Spanish and English. To get started, clients can meet Mauricio-Rosales at the library on first and third Fridays, contact her by phone (316-866-2000, Ext. 2835), or email her at mrosales@gracemed.org.